Reasons to Visit BMR

Guests come to Black Mountain Ranch for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, it’s for the riding. But there’s also the breathtaking scenery with views of the Rocky Mountains. Finally, there’s the host of other activities, from shooting and archery, to fishing, to feeding the baby goats in the petting zoo. But for whatever reason guests choose to come to Black Mountain Ranch, they always leave cherishing a favorite event or activity. Something great and unique stands out in their mind whenever they think back on the ranch. Something they wouldn’t have been able to experience anywhere else—until they come back next year. When asked about his favorite experience at Black Mountain Ranch, guest Jason Carlson of Massachusetts replies, “Everything is probably not a good quote.” His seventeen-year-old son Ian goes on to say, “The views of the mountains are incredible.” Every way you can turn your head, there are breathtaking views of the Rockies. If you’re a city dweller, the mountains will be a welcome respite from the McDonald’s arches and gray skyscraper landscape. Ian Carlson adds that the wranglers are very welcoming, and guest Haley Pichette of Illinois agrees. She also states that, “Of course, the horses are my favorite part about the ranch.” At Black Mountain, unlike many other dude ranches, horses are individually chosen for the rider. So if they like, that’s the horse the guests will ride for the rest of the week. This allows guests to create a bond with their horse as they learn its habits and personality. Last but not least, Black Mountain is one of the few guest ranches to own and operate a fully licensed saloon. Hayley’s older brother Conner, who worked on the ranch last year as a dishwasher, mentions half-jokingly—or maybe completely seriously—that the saloon is “definitely [his] favorite part about the ranch.” So rather than retreating to their cabins at the end of the day (the way they would at many other ranches), guests have the option of heading down to the saloon. There, they can relax with a beer, try their turn at western dancing (lessons are offered for free), or simply enjoy some good conversation with the staff and the May family. There’s also activities for the kids, such as fooz ball, pool, and ping pong. So as you can see, with so much to experience on the ranch, you’re sure to find a favorite activity.
Written By: Megan Soyars