All horses deserve, at least once in their life, to be loved by a little girl.
The Story of Avery May and Seabiscuit.
This rides for you, Avery.

It saddens our heart to share that last week our herds mightiest little pony, Seabiscuit, passed over to the Rainbow Bridge. 'Biscuit, as he was known, was a legend at Black Mountain Ranch. Biscuit came to the ranch from Carrie McGraw, after racing barrels and poles. The May family brought Seabiscuit here as a first horse for their oldest son Thatcher. The two didn't quite see eye to eye, and last summer in 2011, Thatcher sold his pony to his younger sister, Avery May for $27 dollars.

Avery and Biscuit were a match made in heaven. There are plenty of stories passed around the ranch of their adventures; all were of all the courage, strength, tenacity, and soul that those two possessed.

To Cyndy, Avery and all of the May Family, here are some thoughts and reflections from the rest of the Black Mountain Ranch gang. We feel so humbled to have shared a part of Seabiscuit's story with you all! Thank you for letting us ride along for part of your journey!
From Wrangler Jessica Whalen

Cyndy and Avery, you have have taught me so much!
"Cyn took me under her wing and introduced me to barrel racing. I had no idea what I was doing but it didn't matter. Avery and Cyndy taught me it's all about having fun and enoying the time with your horse and friends. It is an honor to ride with Cyn and Avery. Cyn treats me as if I am another one of her kids and Avery is the little sister I never had. In the past two summers I watched Avery gain a best friend in 'Biscuit. Not many days went by when they were not together. I had the pleasure and honor of watching them win. There were many races when they didn't come empty handed. I had the honor of watching her fall in love with that adorable little pony. She gained confidence by riding 'Biscuit that will stay with her forever. Avery and 'Biscuit were an amazing pair and they were always fun to watch. Avery was a good sport and never gave up on 'Biscuit. If he was being difficult she stuck with it untill they could get it right. My favorite thing was watching him follow Avery around, as Avery never needed a halter or a lead rope. It's hard to put into words what the May family has done for me, they have definitely changed my life and I hope someday I can thank them and show them how much I have learned from them. With Everything Cyndy has been through I think she is the toughest woman I have ever met and I know she will never give up."
From Wrangler Jacki Michell
"To my favorite Barrel Racers in the world, my heart goes out to you during your time of loss. Seabiscut was a one of a kind little pony...I'll never forget the first time I met him and his evil looking little eyes. Turned out he was far from evil, but rather a caretaker of you May kids. Cyn, I still remember the time Thatcher and his buddies were standing around him checking out ALL parts of the little pony! Hahah He was a great companion to Miss Sweet Pea, a teacher to Boo, and for a short while, a discipliner to Cool....till Cool got bigger than him, then he became a defender of him self. To Miss Avery, sometimes life isn't fair and it seems what we love the most is taken from us when we're ready to deal with it the least. He has a permanent spot in your heart that only time can heal. Everyone knew you were his favorite Avery, he would have followed you to the ends of the earth. So every time you wear that Belt Buckle or ride in that Champion Winning Saddle, just remember that Seabiscuit took you there, teaching you all along the way. Love you ladies, Jacki"
From Wrangler Victoria Thurlby
"I've never seen a little girl smile the way Avery would while riding Biscuit - evidence of true love! The memory of any girl's first pony will stay in her heart forever. She will ride other horses and Seabiscuit will never be forgotten but as cowgirls know we have to get back up, dust ourselves off and get back on the horse. For Avery - the combination of loving horses and having Cyndy as a Mom will ensure you great success as an amazing barrel racer! R.I.P. Seabiscuit "